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Earn to Die
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  • Android Ios
  • February 7, 2023/Sep 21, 2017
  • 61.2 MB/61.2 MB

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ABOUT Earn to Die


Earn to Die is a popular zombie-themed racing game that has gained a significant following among gamers. Like any game, it has its own set of pros and cons. Let's take a closer look at the advantages and disadvantages of Earn to Die:


Engaging gameplay: Earn to Die offers a unique blend of racing and zombie survival, which creates an engaging and exciting gameplay experience. Players must strategize and navigate through challenging levels, dodging obstacles and smashing zombies along the way. The game keeps you on your toes with its fast-paced action and constant progression.

Upgrade system: One of the standout features of Earn to Die is its upgrade system. As you progress through the game, you earn money that can be used to upgrade your vehicle's engine, fuel tank, tires, and even add weapons. This adds depth to the gameplay and allows players to customize their vehicles based on their playstyle and preferences.

Variety of vehicles: The game offers a wide selection of vehicles to choose from, each with its own unique strengths and weaknesses. From sports cars to monster trucks, players can experiment with different vehicles and find the one that suits their strategy best. The variety adds replay value and keeps the game fresh.

Multiple game modes: Earn to Die provides different game modes to keep players entertained. In addition to the story mode, which takes you through various levels, there are also challenge modes where you can test your skills and earn additional rewards. These different modes provide variety and extend the game's longevity.

Graphics and sound design: The game features visually appealing graphics and well-designed zombie animations. The environments are detailed, and the overall aesthetic creates an immersive post-apocalyptic atmosphere. Additionally, the sound effects and background music enhance the gaming experience and add to the game's overall ambiance.


Repetitive gameplay: While Earn to Die is engaging initially, the gameplay can become repetitive over time. The core mechanics of driving and smashing zombies remain the same throughout the game, and some players may find the lack of variety in gameplay elements monotonous.

Limited story depth: The game's storyline is quite minimalistic, with a primary focus on survival and vehicle upgrades. If you're looking for a game with a deep and intricate narrative, Earn to Die might not fulfill that desire. The emphasis is primarily on gameplay rather than story development.

In-app purchases: Earn to Die is a free-to-play game, but it includes in-app purchases. While it's possible to progress through the game without spending real money, some players might find the progression slower and more challenging without purchasing upgrades or additional content. This can create an imbalance and potentially frustrate players who prefer a more balanced approach.

Limited replayability: While the game offers different vehicles and challenge modes, once you complete the story mode, the replay value diminishes. Some players may find that once they've upgraded their favorite vehicle and completed the challenges, there isn't much incentive to keep playing.

Lack of multiplayer or social features: Earn to Die is primarily a single-player game, and it lacks multiplayer or social features. For gamers who enjoy competing or cooperating with others, the absence of multiplayer modes or leaderboards may be a downside.

Earn to Die offers an engaging gameplay experience with its unique blend of racing and zombie survival elements. The upgrade system, variety of vehicles, and different game modes add depth and replay value. However, the game can become repetitive over time, lacks a deep narrative, and includes in-app purchases that may affect the overall balance. Additionally, the limited replayability and absence of multiplayer features might be a downside for some players. Despite its drawbacks, Earn to Die remains an enjoyable and entertaining game for fans of the genre.

How to play

Earn to Die is a popular zombie-themed racing game where players must drive their way through hordes of undead creatures to reach a safe haven. As a new player, it's essential to have a solid strategy to maximize your chances of survival and progress in the game. Here's a strategy guide with tips and tricks to help you succeed in Earn to Die:

Start with the right vehicle: At the beginning of the game, you're given a basic car. However, it's crucial to upgrade to a better vehicle as soon as possible. Save up your money and purchase a stronger and more durable car that can withstand more damage and carry more upgrades.

Upgrade wisely: Efficiently managing your upgrades is key to success in Earn to Die. Focus on upgrading your engine first to improve speed and acceleration. This allows you to cover more distance and escape zombies more effectively. Then, invest in upgrading your fuel tank to ensure longer trips without running out of gas. Finally, upgrade your tires for better traction and durability on rough terrain.

Use your boosts effectively: As you progress, you'll unlock different boost options like nitro, boosters, and even guns. Use these strategically to maximize their benefits. Nitro boosts should be used when you need a sudden burst of speed to get past difficult obstacles or to escape a swarm of zombies. Guns should be used sparingly but can be handy when facing stronger enemies or boss zombies.

Aim for headshots: When using guns or other weapons, always aim for the zombies' heads. Headshots deal more damage and can take down zombies more quickly, allowing you to conserve ammunition and progress faster.

Pay attention to fuel management: Fuel is a limited resource in Earn to Die, so it's crucial to use it wisely. Try to plan your routes in a way that allows you to collect fuel cans scattered throughout the levels. Avoid unnecessary detours and conserve fuel whenever possible.

Learn the level layouts: Take the time to understand the different level layouts. Each level has its own challenges, such as ramps, gaps, and hills. Understanding the terrain will help you plan your upgrades accordingly and anticipate potential obstacles.

Experiment with different approaches: Earn to Die offers multiple routes and vehicles to choose from. Don't be afraid to experiment and try different combinations to find what works best for you. Some vehicles might excel in speed, while others might offer better durability. Adapt your strategy based on your playstyle and the challenges you face.

Complete missions and challenges: The game offers various missions and challenges that provide extra rewards upon completion. Focus on completing these tasks as they can help you earn additional money, fuel, and unlock new features.

Invest in garage upgrades: As you progress, invest in upgrading your garage. Upgrades such as a better transmission, suspension, or even adding a zombie-smashing contraption can significantly improve your chances of survival.

Practice and persistence: Like any game, practice makes perfect. Don't get discouraged if you don't succeed on your first few attempts. Learn from your mistakes, adapt your strategy, and keep trying. With time and persistence, you'll become a skilled Earn to Die player.

Remember, Earn to Die is a game that rewards strategic planning, resource management, and persistence. By following these tips and adapting them to your playstyle, you'll increase your chances of survival and progress further in the game. Good luck!





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